Past Events


01dec13 h 30 15 h 30 Poetry Club13 h 30 - 15 h 30 Maison ChaïShaïEvent Type :Pluricité


27oct19 h 00 ANANTYA19 h 00 Le GesuEvent Type :Série Pluricité

20oct19 h 30 CONCERT & CD LAUNCH19 h 30 Studio Jean-Valcourt du ConservatoireEvent Type :Série Pluricité

20oct14 h 00 19 h 00 NexGen Multi-faith Music Expressions14 h 00 - 19 h 00 Studio Jean-Valcourt du ConservatoireEvent Type :Série Pluricité

19oct14 h 00 18 h 00 Nex Gen Multi-faith Dance Expressions14 h 00 - 18 h 00 Studio Jean-Valcourt du ConservatoireEvent Type :Série Pluricité

06oct17 h 30 Ustad Shujaat Husain Khan (Ottawa)17 h 30 Kailash Mital TheatreEvent Type :Série Pluricité

05oct18 h 00 Ustad Shujaat Husain Khan (Montréal)18 h 00 Auditorium de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du QuébecEvent Type :Série Pluricité


29sep18 h 00 20 h 00 GARDEN OF LITERARY DELIGHTS (GOLD) 202418 h 00 - 20 h 00 Le GesuEvent Type :Série Pluricité

28sep18 h 00 21 h 00 AN EVENING OF POETRY & REFLECTIONS18 h 00 - 21 h 00 Le GesuEvent Type :Série Pluricité

16sep10 h 00 17 h 00 A bird's eye view of hot and cold secrets, an exhibition of paintings.10 h 00 - 17 h 00 Le GesuEvent Type :Série Pluricité

14sep17 h 00 OVIYA SHAKTHI17 h 00 Collège VanierEvent Type :Série Pluricité

01sep13 h 00 The 7th Edition of Arts Appreciation Series Artasia13 h 00 Salle Maria-Goretti, PROMISEvent Type :Pluricité


31aug13 h 00 The 7th Edition of Arts Appreciation Series Artasia13 h 00 Salle Maria-Goretti, PROMISEvent Type :Pluricité


06jul20 h 00 USTAD WASEEM AHMED KHAN (Québec)20 h 00 Jeunes musiciens du mondeEvent Type :Série Pluricité

05jul19 h 00 USTAD WASEEM AHMED KHAN19 h 00 Union Francaise de MontréalEvent Type :Série Pluricité


31mayAll Day02junSouth Asian Film Festival of Montréal(All Day) Event Type :Festival NexGen MultiArts


31mayAll Day02junSouth Asian Film Festival of Montréal(All Day) Event Type :Festival NexGen MultiArts

24mayAll Day26South Asian Film Festival of Montréal(All Day) Event Type :Festival NexGen MultiArts

18may20 h 00 SUROJIT O BONDHURA20 h 00 Le GesuEvent Type :Série Pluricité


28apr14 h 30 ECHOES OF THE HEART (Saguenay)14 h 30 Chapelle Saint-CyriacEvent Type :Série Pluricité

27apr19 h 30 ECHOES OF THE HEART (Québec )19 h 30 Salle de concert de l’ArquemuseEvent Type :Série Pluricité

26apr19 h 00 ECHOES OF THE HEART (Montreal)19 h 00 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Série Pluricité

25apr18 h 00 ECHOES OF THE HEART (Sherbrooke)18 h 00 Le ParvisEvent Type :Série Pluricité


24mar20 h 00 22 h 00 Paramparik - Saxophone, vocal and Tabla (Quebec)20 h 00 - 22 h 00 Palais MontcalmEvent Type :Pluricity Series

23mar18 h 00 20 h 00 Paramparik - Saxophone, vocal and Tabla (Sherbrooke)18 h 00 - 20 h 00 Le ParvisEvent Type :Pluricity Series

22mar19 h 00 21 h 00 Paramparik - Saxophone, vocal and Tabla (Montreal)19 h 00 - 21 h 00 Union Francaise de MontréalEvent Type :Pluricity Series


29oct16 h 00 CELEBERATION OF TAGORE: ORIGINS TO INSPIRATION16 h 00 Salle Maria-Goretti, PROMISEvent Type :Cinéma

22oct16 h 00 18 h 30 Festival NexGen MultiArts16 h 00 - 18 h 30 Conservatoire de musique de MontréalEvent Type :Festival NexGen MultiArts

22oct13 h 00 15 h 30 Festival NexGen MultiArts13 h 00 - 15 h 30 Conservatoire de musique de MontréalEvent Type :Festival NexGen MultiArts

21oct16 h 00 18 h 30 Festival NexGen MultiArts16 h 00 - 18 h 30 Conservatoire de musique de MontréalEvent Type :Festival NexGen MultiArts

21oct13 h 00 15 h 30 Festival NexGen MultiArts13 h 00 - 15 h 30 Conservatoire de musique de MontréalEvent Type :Festival NexGen MultiArts

19octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: thursday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

18octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: wednesday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

17oct18 h 00 Movie: INDUS BLUES18 h 00 Cinémathèque québécoiseEvent Type :Cinéma

17octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: tuesday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

16octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: monday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

15octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: sunday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

15octAll DaySAFFMontreal in Saguenay(All Day) Event Type :Cinéma

14octAll DaySAFFMontreal in Saguenay(All Day) Event Type :Cinéma

14octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: saturday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

13octAll DaySAFFMontreal in Saguenay(All Day) Event Type :Cinéma

13octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: friday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

12octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: thursday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

11octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: wednesday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

10octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: tuesday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

09octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: monday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

08octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: sunday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

07octAll DayInternational Photo ExhibitionOpening Saturday 7 OCTOBER 3:00pm(All Day: saturday) Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

01oct17 h 00 NexGen MultiArts Festival - Literary Evening17 h 00 Atwater Library Adair AuditoriumEvent Type :Club de poésie

26sep(sep 26)20 h 00 EEB ALLAY OOO!(september 26) 20 h 00 Cinémathèque québécoiseEvent Type :Cinéma


30sep18 h 00 NexGen MultiArts Festival - Poetry Evening18 h 00 Atwater Library Adair AuditoriumEvent Type :Pluricité

26sep(sep 26)20 h 00 EEB ALLAY OOO!20 h 00 Cinémathèque québécoiseEvent Type :Cinéma

23sep19 h 30 Hendoustan19 h 30 Auditorium de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du QuébecEvent Type :Pluricité


27aug14 h 00 ARTASIA with Conversations and mini-concerts14 h 00 Salle Maria-Goretti, PROMISEvent Type :Pluricité

26aug14 h 00 ARTASIA with Conversations and mini-concerts14 h 00 Salle Maria-Goretti, PROMISEvent Type :Pluricité

12aug20 h 00 KHOJ (THE SEARCH)20 h 00 MAISON DE LA CULTURE AHUNTSICEvent Type :Pluricité


23jul14 h 00 Poetry Club14 h 00 Maison ChaïShaïEvent Type :Pluricité


18jun14 h 30 The Splendor of Sarod (Lac Kénogami)14 h 30 Chapelle Saint-CyriacEvent Type :Pluricité

17jun20 h 00 The Splendor of Sarod (Quebec)20 h 00 École de musique ArquemuseEvent Type :Pluricité

16jun19 h 00 The Splendor of Sarod (Montreal)19 h 00 Auditorium de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du QuébecEvent Type :Pluricité

15jun19 h 00 The Splendor of Sarod (Sherbrooke)19 h 00 Centre culturel Parvis, SherbrookeEvent Type :Pluricité


27may20 h 00 THE MASTERS OF SUFI QAWWALI20 h 00 Oscar Peterson Concert HallEvent Type :Pluricité


22apr20 h 00 SANHITA NANDI, A Spellbinding Voice20 h 00 École de musique ArquemuseEvent Type :Pluricité

21apr19 h 30 SANHITA NANDI, A Spellbinding Voice19 h 30 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Pluricité


19mar14 h 30 SCINTILLATING SITAR CONCERT - Saguenay14 h 30 La Chapelle Saint-CyriacEvent Type :Pluricité

18mar14 h 00 SCINTILLATING SITAR CONCERT - Alma14 h 00 Collège d’AlmaEvent Type :Pluricité

17mar19 h 30 SCINTILLATING SITAR CONCERT - Québec City19 h 30 École de musique ArquemuseEvent Type :Pluricité

16mar19 h 30 SCINTILLATING SITAR CONCERT19 h 30 Union Francaise de MontréalEvent Type :Pluricité


29oct(oct 29)18 h 30 NEXGEN MULTI ARTS FESTVAL18 h 30 Studio Jean-Valcourt du ConservatoireEvent Type :Pluricité

14oct18 h 00 Poetry Evening18 h 00 Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité

13oct18 h 30 Literary Evening18 h 30 Le GesuEvent Type :Pluricité


10sep13 h 00 The 5th Edition of Arts Appreciation Series Artasia13 h 00 Salle Maria-Goretti, PROMISEvent Type :Pluricité

04sep19 h 00 THE SINDHI SARANGI & SECULAR SONGS OF INDIAIn-person event. Doors: 6:30pm19 h 00 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Pluricité


28aug19 h 00 LIVING TOGETHER - FROM GANGES TO SAGUENAY LAC-JEAN THROUGH MUSIC AND DANCEIn-person event. Doors: 6:30pm19 h 00 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Pluricité

19aug18 h 30 POETRY EVENING WITH MADHUR ANANDÉvénement en personne, Entrée: 18h3018 h 30 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Pluricité

12aug20 h 00 (Cancelled) KHOJIn-person event. Doors: 7:30 pm20 h 00 Auditorium de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du QuébecEvent Type :Pluricité


23jul19 h 00 CARNATIC MUSIC - A MUSICAL JOURNEY IN THE SOUTH OF INDIAIn-person Event, Doors: 6:30 pm19 h 00 Palais MontcalmEvent Type :Pluricity

22jul19 h 00 CARNATIC MUSIC - A MUSICAL JOURNEY IN THE SOUTH OF INDIAIn-person Event, Doors: 6:30 pm19 h 00 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Pluricity

21jul19 h 00 CARNATIC MUSIC - A MUSICAL JOURNEY IN THE SOUTH OF INDIAIn-person Event, Doors: 6:30 pm19 h 00 Centre culturel Parvis, SherbrookeEvent Type :Pluricity


19jun14 h 00 SERENE AND SCINTILLATING SITAR14 h 00 Chapelle Saint-CyriacEvent Type :Arts Appreciation

18jun20 h 00 SERENE AND SCINTILLATING SITAR20 h 00 Salle de concert de l’ArquemuseEvent Type :Arts Appreciation

17jun20 h 00 SERENE AND SCINTILLATING SITAR20 h 00 Bandeen Hall, Bishop’s University, SherbrookeEvent Type :Arts Appreciation

16jun19 h 00 SERENE AND SCINTILLATING SITAR19 h 00 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Arts Appreciation


29may14 h 00 A BOLLYWOOD DANCE SHOW14 h 00 Parc LahaieEvent Type :Arts Appreciation

28may18 h 00 CONCERT OF FABULOUS FLUTE18 h 00 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Arts Appreciation

20may20 h 00 Seasons & Sensations20 h 00 Amphithéâtre GesùEvent Type :Arts Appreciation

14may20 h 00 MYSTIC MUSIC FROM PAKISTAN20 h 00 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Arts Appreciation


23apr19 h 00 SONIC LANDSCAPES WITH SERENE SURBAHAR19 h 00 Auditorium - Grande BibliothequeEvent Type :Arts Appreciation

22apr20 h 00 CONCERT OF SOUTH ASIAN CLASSICAL MUSIC20 h 00 Salle de concert de l’ArquemuseEvent Type :Arts Appreciation


08feb19 h 30 Evening with Bindu SureshAuthor of "26 Knots"19 h 30 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Arts Appreciation


29jan10 h 30 12 h 00 Poetry Club10 h 30 - 12 h 00 Zoom ConferenceEvent Type :Poetry Club

11jan19 h 30 Evening with Alka JoshiAuthor of The Henna Artist19 h 30 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Arts Appreciation


19novAll Day28South Asian Film Festival of Montréal19 to 28 November, 2021(All Day) hybrid, see www.saffm.centrekabir.comEvent Type :Arts Appreciation


07octAll Day10NexGen Multi-Arts Festival (Literature, Poetry, Music, Dance, Visual Arts Exhibition)7 to 10 October 2021(All Day) Le GesuEvent Type :Arts Appreciation


10sep19 h 00 An enchanting violin concert with Ganesh & Kumareshlink valid for 24 hours19 h 00 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Hindustani,Musique

22augAll Day26sepARTASIA22nd August to 26th September, 2021(All Day) Event Type :Arts Appreciation


22augAll Day26sepARTASIA22nd August to 26th September, 2021(All Day) Event Type :Arts Appreciation

21aug20 h 00 KABIR - POET & PHILOSPHERlien valide pour 24 hours20 h 00 OnlineEvent Type :Hindustani,Musique


12jun20 h 00 A Concert of Surshringarlink valid for 48 hours20 h 00 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Hindustani,Musique


30may20 h 00 HERITAGE THROUGH CULTURE20 h 00 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Musique

16may20 h 00 BOLLYWOOD GHARANA20 h 00 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Musique

15may10 h 30 12 h 00 POETRY MEETING10 h 30 - 12 h 00 Zoom ConferenceEvent Type :Poetry Club

01may20 h 00 A FASCINATING CONCERT OF BANSURI & TABLA20 h 00 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Musique


27mar20 h 00 12 h 00 Magnificent Sounds of Sitar(Virtual concert available online for 48 hours)20 h 00 - 12 h 00 Online Video PlatformEvent Type :Musique


13feb10 h 30 12 h 00 Poetry Meeting10 h 30 - 12 h 00 Zoom ConferenceEvent Type :Poetry Club
